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报告题目:Positive Feedback between Deep Volatile Cycling and the Surface Environment: How this Controls Earth’s Evolution








王选策博士,云南大学地球系统科学研究中心教授,澳大利亚基金委优秀青年基金及杰出青年基金获得者。现为中科院广州地化所、中科院深海科学与工程研究所和澳大利亚昆士兰大学兼职研究员。王选策博士主要从事岩浆作用、大地构造演化、地幔地球化学、有机-无机流体交互作用、以及地球系统中深部流体循环及浅部资源环境效应之间的互馈机制等研究。近年来,在Nature CommunicationsGeologyEPSLJPGCA等重要期刊上发表第一作者和通讯作者SCI论文80余篇,SCI论文总引用数大于5300次,高引因子H=313篇论文入选Web of Science高被引论文,20余篇论文入选最多下载论文。2008年获中国科学院院长奖学金,2013年获科廷大学最高青年科研奖。因其突出的学术贡献,入汤森路透基本科学指标数据库,全球top%地球科学领域科学家名单。


The global material circulation between lithosphere (solid plate) and the deep convective mantle is one of the most significant features of our planet, and it continually changes and reshapes our silicate Earth. The key products of this global material circulation are volatiles, including water (as hydrogen), carbon, nitrogen, noble gases, halogens and sulphur) that are exchanged between the Earth's surface and its interior, and this exerts long-term controls on the composition of the atmosphere and hydrosphere, thus affecting climate and the biosphere. Degassing of the mantle operates by mantle upwelling linked to surface volcanoes, whereas ingassing (influx) is via recycling of metasomatized, volatile-rich oceanic plates. Although the fate and contribution of silicate materials in recycled oceanic plates during convection have been well studied (Wang et al., 2013; Zindler and Hart, 1986), volatile cycling, as an important part of the same process, is poorly constrained. Here, we review our previous studies on investigating the feedback between supercontinent cycles, mantle convection, and Earth’s deep volatile cycling to outline how this affects our planet. These findings cover a wide range of tectonic settings, ranging from typical intraplate to late- and post-orogenic settings, as well as various magma types from those typically derived from the mantle to crustal rocks.


