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Jeremy Richards学术 报告一(2016年:20号)


报告题目:Tectonomagmatic controls on arc metallogeny



  Jeremy Richards教授




Jeremy Richards教授于1983年于剑桥大学获得地质学学士学位、1986年于加拿大多伦多大学获得矿床学硕士学位、于1990年在澳大利亚国立大学获得矿床学博士学位。随后在加拿大萨斯喀彻温大学、英国莱斯特大学、加拿大阿尔伯塔大学进行教学科研工作。并于2002年在阿尔伯塔大学晋升教授至今。

Jeremy Richards教授是国际著名矿床学家,在斑岩铜矿体系研究领域建树颇丰,近年来他的研究兴趣主要集中在俯冲-碰撞体制下构造-岩浆-成矿作用,对北美、南美、中东及西南太平洋地区开展了深入研究。目前,JeremyRichards教授已经发表学术论文超过80篇(大部分为第一作者),并主要刊登在Geology、GCA、Economic Geology和Nature Geosciences等地学顶级期刊上。除此之外,他还担任Economic Geology和Nature Scientific Report的副主编。2015年,为表彰他在矿床学基础研究领域的杰出贡献,国际经济地质协会(SEG)授予他中青年科学家最高奖-银奖(SEG Silver Medal),并当选为2016年SEG专刊主编。 



二十世纪六七十年代板块构造模型建立时,地质学家就意识到板块构造过程对成矿的基本控制。如海洋扩张中心形成VMS矿床,大陆裂谷形成多种沉积矿床,岛弧环境形成斑岩型和低温热液型矿床和花岗岩有关的矿床。最近,斑岩-浅成低温热液型矿床和一些IOCG矿床的形成被认为是受俯冲变质交代事件影响岩石圈(或者是其他类型的地幔)重新活化所导致。    根本上,这些类型矿床发映了地幔到地表的热和挥发分的集中对流,这些对流物质通常以岩浆或者流体或者同时以两种形式传输到地表;板块边界为这些热流提供了通道。在汇聚板块边缘,俯冲大洋岩石圈开始脱水释放到地幔楔,,导致发生熔融,水、SCl和一些其他的溶于水的成分形成初生岩浆,岩浆上升演化并与上覆岩石圈混染产生含水的中酸性岩浆,岩浆进一步上升侵位到上地壳,由于降压作用和冷却结晶作用导致含矿矿质的挥发分出溶形成斑岩型和浅成低温热液型矿床。

The fundamentalcontrol of plate tectonic processes on ore formation was realized almost assoon as the plate tectonic model was established in the late 1960s-early 1970s.The formation of seafloor massive sulfide deposits at oceanic spreadingcenters, various types of sediment-hosted deposits in continental rifts,porphyry and epithermal deposits in volcanic arcs above subduction zones, andgranite-related ore deposits in continental collision settings were quicklyestablished. More recently, the formation of porphyry, epithermal, and sometypes of IOCG deposits has been recognized to occur by remobilization oflithosphere previously affected by prior episodes of subduction (or other typesof mantle) metasomatism.At root, these ore deposit types reflect the focusedconvection of heat and volatiles from the mantle towards the surface. Plateboundaries provide high-permeability pathways for this heat and mass flux,which is transmitted to the surface either directly as magmas or fluids (orboth). At convergent margins, the flux begins with dehydration (and in somecases melting) of subducting oceanic lithosphere, which releases water, S, Cl,and other fluid-soluble components into the mantle wedge, triggering partialmelting. Ascent of these partial melts into, and interaction with, the upperplate lithosphere generates hydrous intermediate-composition magmas, which riseinto the upper crust where volatiles are exsolved due to decompression andcrystallization. These hydrothermal fluids may go on to form porphyry andepithermal deposits if their flow is focused and sustained by a large magmasupply.
